In response to the increasing interest in air gun competition, we offer several different Field Target events:
Regular Field Target is shot at the Archery Range on the 3rd Saturday of the month from March thru November. Cost is $10.00 and start time is 10:00 am unless noted on the calendar. We shoot pellet guns at 10 to 55 yards. Using 12 and 20 FPE (foot pounds of energy). You can click on the link AAFTA and get more information on rules and what it is all about. We have a great time with this discipline, it is a hoot!!!
The following Air Gun Field events are held on the 1st Saturday of the month from March through November on Muzzleloader Range #2. We are now offering two variations of match format:
XFT Field Target. shooting is simple to understand but a little challenging. It is a lot of FUN and a great bunch of shooters that want and will help anyway they can. What we shoot is pellet guns from 20 yards to 100 yards. The targets are plates with a kill zone. You have to hit the kill zone to knock it over for a score. The caliber limit is .30 with no more than 100 FPE (foot pounds of energy). Start time is 10:00am and the cost is $10. Club House Reserved
Matches: May 6th | July 1st | September 2nd
N50 (National 50) benchrest. We shoot this at 50 yards with pellet guns, slugs and .22 LR. We have concrete benches on the firing line that are very stable! Start time is 10:00am and the cost is $10. Club House Reserved
Matches: June 3rd | August 5th | November 4th
Link to N50 Rules >.
REMINDER: ALWAYS check the online calendar for updates.
For More Information Contact:
Pearl Stonebreaker:
Randy Rannberg: