Need a Workday?  Want updates on Club News??  Urgent calls for club help???
We need YOUR help!

We’ve recently implemented a more effective email distribution service to get club information out to our membership; while the feedback we’ve received is very positive, it is evident that we are still missing many of our members.

Make sure your current/preferred email address is in our database so that we can do our best to disseminate club information effectively. 

Currently, about 30% of our membership have no email address on file.  Of those that do have one, it appears that a significant percentage of addresses are not being checked – perhaps the email address on file is no longer being used.

We are broadcasting Primer announcements (and link), Workday Requests (dates, division, details, and contacts), critical club information, and match announcements.  

If you are not receiving email from the address, it is possible that your email application is routing it to a SPAM or Junk folder.  If that is the case, you can mark mail from that address so that it will be properly delivered as valid email, going forward.

Please submit any contact information updates – including email addresses – to


Building a More Effective Email List for Club Communications