General Rules of Conduct 

GENERAL RULES OF CONDUCT Adopted February 1971, Revised November 2023 These rules supplement the standard Safety Rules that cover safety with firearms. Additional rules NRA pertaining to each specific range will supplement these and the standard rules. NRA

  1. This range and the associated facilities are for the use of members and their OKLAHOMA CITY GUN CLUB guests only. Members MUST wear their membership badges at all times while at the range. If you loose your membership badge, request a replacement by contacting Carey Pribil.
  2. Each person shooting on these ranges must familiarize themselves with Safety Rules, these General NRA Rules, and the specific rules posted at each range. There are four (4) classes of membership Associate, Voting, Silver, and Spouse. Badges include:​
    1. White - Club Official
    2. Red - Associate, Silver, and Spouse
    3. Blue - Voting Member
    1. Members may bring not more than two (2) guests to shoot at the range at any one time, except for members of his immediate family.
    2. A guest may not shoot on the range more than five (5) times per calendar year. Guests under the age of 18 are exempt from this rule.
    3. Guests must shoot from the same bench or firing point as their host.
    4. Guests must obey the rules of the Club, and their safe and courteous conduct is the responsibility of the host member.
    5. Guest must be accompanied by their host at all times.
  4. Gates are to be kept closed and locked at all times except during scheduled shooting events. Lock combinations will not be divulged to non-members. All gates have the same combination as well as the bathrooms. The Gun Club is member only but there are a lot of competition shoots open to non-members. If a lock is not there then a chairman of a competition has it with them.
  5. When two or more persons are firing on any common firing line, one must act as the Range Safety Officer. Each individual is responsible for the safe handling of his firearms.
  6. Each range is to be used only for the purpose for which it is constructed.
    1. All plinking shall be conducted at the Plinking Range. ( .22 cal !) NO CENTER FIRE
    2. All shots fired on any range must impact the earth backstop.
    3. During formal matches, the affected ranges are reserved. Membership Guide
  7. No guest under the age of eighteen (18) may shoot on any club range unless accompanied by an adult member who is present on the firing line.
  8. Each member is responsible for acquainting himself with the location of all Club ranges and danger zones. He must familiarize their guests with these locations. Do not wander from established range, parking, and road area. No one is allowed off the beaten path. There is no hunting or hiking allowed.
  9. All motor vehicles will be operated only on the Club roads and shall be parked only in designated parking areas.
  10. All members shall police their firing points and target areas and deposit trash in the trash barrels. Please leave the range in better condition than you found it.
  11. In the interest of safety, is allowed on Club property. NO HUNTING
  12. Violation of any Club rules, irresponsible behavior, or destruction of any OKLAHOMA CITY GUN CLUB property could result in disciplinary action and possible expulsion from the OKLAHOMA CITY GUN CLUB
  13. There will be no firing of automatic firearms on the ranges by anyone at any time. This prohibition includes devices that simulate automatic fire including (but not limited to) bump-stocks, binary triggers, or any other such devices.
  14. No .50 cal Browning Machine Gun or equivalent is allowed.
  15. All firing is to be conducted from published sunup to sundown. No firing by any kind of artificial light.
  16. NO ALCOHOL on the firing line or while you are shooting.
  17. Tracer rounds or any type of incendiary ammunition is strictly prohibited.
  18. Fireworks are PROHIBITED on gun club property.
  19. Paint Ball guns are PROHIBITED on gun club property.
  20. EYE PROTECTION REQUIRED at all ranges at all times. Hearing protection highly recommended where applicable.
  21. Instructions by individuals on OKC Gun Club Property : Members will not conduct, contract for, or otherwise arrange for training or instruction on the OKCGC property for a fee or business purposes unless approved by the club's Training Division.
    1. A member of the gun club needs to sponsor the instructor/training.
    2. The instructor will need to provide a copy of their current liability insurance naming the gun club as a certificate holder.
    3. There is a $25 per day range use fee for any non-members attending.
    4. The training will be open to gun club members and posted on the gun club calendar.
    5. Once an instructor is approved by the Training Division, then the Training Division will work with the appropriate division to reserve ranges/facilities for them.
    6. It is acceptable for a gun club division to conduct training or instruction without the training division oversight.
  22. Legally owned suppressors and short barreled rifles are welcome unless prohibited by the rules for a specific range. For example, only handguns are allowed on the pistol range.
  23. ** Explosives, explosive targets, armor piercing, incendiary or tracer rounds are prohibited **